Golden Beet
This variety dates back to the 1820s or before. The very sweet beets are a rich, golden yellow, and they won’t bleed like red beets. The greens are also very tasty.
Detroit Dark Red Beet
The most popular, old standard, all-purpose red beet. Uniform and smooth, with blood red flesh that is sweet and tasty. 14" tops make good greens. Heirloom variety introduced in 1892.
Chiogga Bassano Beet
Chioggia beet originated in the historic fishing town of Chioggia, Italy, just across the lagoon from Venice. Chioggia beet was first mentioned by legendary French seedhouse Vilmorin in 1840. Those who are averse to the signature earthy flavor of other beets will appreciate this variety, as the flavor is remarkably mellow. The greens are crisp and high quality. The flesh is very tender, mild, and sweet.